Wayne Gregory founded Gregory Mountain Products in San Diego, California in 1977. Originally the fledgling company produced backpacks in the back room of Wayne's retail store. Customers would stop by the store to talk "shop" and to share their experiences and ideas with Wayne, many of which were incorporated into new products.

In 1983 Wayne merged his business with Bianchi International and moved the company an hour north to Temecula California, where it remains today. Bianchi's resources allowed Wayne to focus on new technology and greatly expanded the company's production capacity. Southern California's incredible climate, coupled with easy access to world-class climbing areas like Joshua Tree National Park, Tahquitz and Suicide Rocks, and the Sierra Nevada range, provide a great testing ground for new products and ideas.

Over the past several years the company has grown substantially, and manufacturing has expanded to a second California facility in Calexico, east of San Diego, and also to China and Vietnam. Wayne continues to passionately focus on design and quality, but today he surrounds himself with a crew of talented associate designers that keep developing new and fresh ideas and technology.